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Azupay Leading Australia’s Shift to Real-time (A2A) Payment Solutions

By 11 April 2024July 5th, 2024No Comments

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital transactions, Australian businesses are undergoing a significant transformation towards real-time and account-to-account payment solutions (#RTP #A2A). At the forefront of this revolution stands Azupay, leading these solutions for the past five years. With a focus on solving B2B/G and C2B/G payment challenges, Azupay has been instrumental in driving the adoption of modern payment technologies as part of Australia’s New Payments Platform.  

The shift towards real-time and account-to-account payments addresses a myriad of longstanding issues in the payment ecosystem. Whether it’s the need for faster transactions, streamlined reconciliation processes, or enhanced safety and security for payers and payees, Azupay has continually innovated to address these improvement opportunities. With 24/7, 365-day availability for payment and settlement, these solutions represent a positive evolution from traditional card based and legacy biller payment options.  

Azupay’s commitment to real-time payments extends beyond  API integration. Our suite of out-of-the-box technology solutions encompasses pre-built applications designed to optimise workflows and enhance user experiences. By leveraging these solutions, businesses can streamline their payment channels and checkout development, resulting in considerable time and cost savings.  

As Australia prepares for the windup of the BSB/Acc (BECS) payment system by 2030, the need for businesses to adapt to these changes becomes increasingly urgent. Azupay, and our team boasting decades of experience in payments, banking, and associated technologies, stands ready to assist organizations in navigating this transition. Understanding the challenges and opportunities presented by these changes, Azupay offers expert guidance and support to ensure a seamless integration of RTP/A2A solutions. 

“Having been in the payments industry for many years now, I still recall being in an early focus group to test the usability of tap and go card payments to then selling the features and benefits of Bpay and mobile digital payments. We are now at another exciting time where PayID and PayTo represents a truly transformational moment with Pay by Bank (Account to Account) payments being a viable and better solution to those legacy payment options, and as we say at Azupay, a better, faster, safer, smarter way to pay” Mark Townley (Chief Customer Officer, Azupay).  

Central to Azupay’s approach is also our dedicated Customer Success team, tasked with facilitating the implementation and onboarding process. By providing personalised support and guidance, Azupay ensures that the integration of real-time payment solutions is not only successful but also enhances the overall operational efficiency and experience for both payers and payees. 

In conclusion, the transition towards real-time and account-to-account payment solutions represents a pivotal opportunity in the evolution of Australia’s payment ecosystem. Azupay, with its innovative approach and wealth of experience, is playing a vital role in driving this transformation. By embracing these modern payment technologies, businesses can unlock new opportunities for growth, efficiency, and customer satisfaction in the digital age.  

To learn more we would be delighted to speak with you.  You can reach our enterprise sales and solutions team at